Und schon wieder vorbei – schade! Wir hatten eine schöne Zeit in der Heiners Bar! ♥ Das nette Publikum und die großartige Musik von Miss Walker, Brome und Only Wolf haben den Abend sehr besonders gemacht. Danke an alle und bis nächstes Mal! Am 14. und 15. Oktober melden wir uns mit der großen Ausgabe des Fever Creek Festivals zurück.
And it’s over again – too bad! We had a good time at Heiners Bar! ♥ The nice audience and the great music by Miss Walker, Brome and Only Wolf made the atmosphere very special for us. Thank you all und see you next time! We will get back to you on the 14th and 15th of October with the big edition of the Fever Creek Festival. Stay tuned.
- Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016 At the Heiners Bar
- Cozy atomsphere at the Heiners Bar
- Soundcheck with Miss Walker
- Soundcheck with Brome
- Soundcheck with Only Wolf
- Cozy atomsphere at the Heiners Bar
- The merch area
- Only Wolf at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Only Wolf at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Brome at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Brome at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Brome at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Brome at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Miss Walker at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Miss Walker at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
- Miss Walker at the Fever Creek Intermezzo 2016
Photos by Thea Welle